mtabert@mnsoilhealth.org Benjamin & Mikayla raise corn, soybeans, wheat, peola (field peas and canola intercrop), sunflowers, tall fescue (turf seed), hay (mostly alfalfa), and rye for cover crop seed. They work to integrate cover crops on almost every acre every year. They interseed covers into corn and sunflowers and trying it on soybeans and plant diverse mixes as much as possible Read more...
bryberg@mnsoilhealth.org Brian farms over 5,000 acres and began using strip till in 2015 and also uses vertical till for soybeans going into cornstalks. Many of his acres are seeded with covers using predominately cereal rye and also uses them after sugarbeet harvest going into soybeans. Brian noticed improvements in his soil structure just after 2 years of cereal rye after Read more...
bbiegler@mnsoilhealth.org Bryan has been farming for 28 years in Murray County, Minnesota. He has strip tilled corn for 8 years mainly in the fall and has been no-tilling soybeans for 8 years. Bryan has been using cover crops in his corn/sb rotation for 7 years including early season and mid August – mid September with a high clearance sprayer set Read more...
lpetersen@mnsoilhealth.org Lance started strip tilling in 2011 (spring coulter strip till with dry fertilizer), planter fertilizer as well as the majority of his acres being corn on corn with some in a corn/soybean rotation. Lance has experience with coulter banding urea for corn sidedress utilizing an air cart, became Ag Water Quality Certified in 2017, and has been experimenting with Read more...
dvoss@mnsoilhealth.org I am the third generation on our family farm where my wife Beth and I are raising our family of five boys. Our farm located by Paynesville, Mn historically operated as a dairy farm from when my grandparents started farming here during the depression. In 1999 we certified our farm for organic production with the desire to reduce our Read more...
mtiffany@mnsoilhealth.org Matt grows corn, soybeans for seed, and sweetcorn for over 19 years and have always looked for ways to do things better. The short season soybeans and sweetcorn he grows provides a great opportunity for cover crops and Matt has enjoyed the success of that for many years. He’s in his 3rd year of strip tilling after soybeans and Read more...
jackermann@mnsoilhealth.org Jerry Ackermann has been farming with his wife Nancy for the past 39 years near Lakefield, in southwestern Minnesota. They are extremely active in on-the-farm research and test plots. They farm approximately 1200 acres with 1/3 corn, 1/3 soybeans and 1/3 alfalfa as a cash crop. Along with the Heron Lake Watershed and Extended Ag Services, they have participated Read more...
rmaurer@mnsoilhealth.org My name is Rick Maurer, my wife Kim and I farm near Morgan in Redwood County. We own a wean to finish hog operation and work with the Pipestone System. We no-till 100% of our soybeans in ten inch rows. We are also experimenting with cover crops seeded into our corn. Read more...
gbreitkreutz@mnsoilhealth.org Grant & Dawn Breitkreutz run Stoney Creek Farm along the bluff of the Minnesota River near Redwood Falls, MN. Over the past 20 years, they have converted a conventional crop and cow/calf operation into a multi-enterprise regenerative family business. Their crops have changed from a corn and soybean rotation to at least a three-crop rotation, with covercrops incorporated whenever Read more...
jolene@mnsoilhealth.org Jolene brings a wealth of experience including eight years as a nutritionist, military Commander, master gardener, four terms as Secretary and President on the Nature Center Board, a member of leadership council for School Yard Garden Coalition and a Crow River SFA Board Member. Jolene spent 20 years as a science educator and has a Masters in Ed in Natural Read more...