jackermann@mnsoilhealth.org Jerry Ackermann has been farming with his wife Nancy for the past 39 years near Lakefield, in southwestern Minnesota. They are extremely active in on-the-farm research and test plots. They farm approximately 1200 acres with 1/3 corn, 1/3 soybeans and 1/3 alfalfa as a cash crop. Along with the Heron Lake Watershed and Extended Ag Services, they have participated Read more...
estelling@mnsoilhealth.org I farm with my father and brother in and around Osakis, MN. We currently operate around 1500 acres consisting of corn, beans, alfalfa, and some small grains. Approximately 160 acres of our operation is certified organic. Three years ago we got out of dairy and now finish feeder cattle. We are in our second year of strip tilling and Read more...