tom.hartberg@gmail.com Tom uses regenerative farming by no-till/strip-trilling his corn/soybean rotation as well as utilizing cover crops, small grains, and livestock and all these practices continue to develop and evolve. In 1991 Tom started no-tilling as a matter of necessity when he couldn’t afford to upgrade his machinery. In ’93 he had to get a full-time job as well as farm. Read more...
jlmeyer@kmtel.com John currently has all of my 400+ cropland acres seeded down to perennial forages and is using it either for daily moved adaptively managed rotational pasturing or hay for his 270 head custom grazed beef herd, and a100 head C/c beef herd of his own, which he directs to market as 100% Regeneratively Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed and Finished Beef as Read more...
I currently manage about 400 acres of open pasture land for cattle, 300 acres of woods for meat goat production, and about 460 acres of row crop/hay production. We practice adaptive managed grazing with cow/calf pairs, owned stockers, and goats. Raise pastured pork mostly in our wooded areas while strategically moving them around to manage invasive specifies such as multi-flora Read more...
mtabert@mnsoilhealth.org Benjamin & Mikayla raise corn, soybeans, wheat, peola (field peas and canola intercrop), sunflowers, tall fescue (turf seed), hay (mostly alfalfa), and rye for cover crop seed. They work to integrate cover crops on almost every acre every year. They interseed covers into corn and sunflowers and trying it on soybeans and plant diverse mixes as much as possible Read more...
dvoss@mnsoilhealth.org I am the third generation on our family farm where my wife Beth and I are raising our family of five boys. Our farm located by Paynesville, Mn historically operated as a dairy farm from when my grandparents started farming here during the depression. In 1999 we certified our farm for organic production with the desire to reduce our Read more...
jackermann@mnsoilhealth.org Jerry Ackermann has been farming with his wife Nancy for the past 39 years near Lakefield, in southwestern Minnesota. They are extremely active in on-the-farm research and test plots. They farm approximately 1200 acres with 1/3 corn, 1/3 soybeans and 1/3 alfalfa as a cash crop. Along with the Heron Lake Watershed and Extended Ag Services, they have participated Read more...
gbreitkreutz@mnsoilhealth.org Grant & Dawn Breitkreutz run Stoney Creek Farm along the bluff of the Minnesota River near Redwood Falls, MN. Over the past 20 years, they have converted a conventional crop and cow/calf operation into a multi-enterprise regenerative family business. Their crops have changed from a corn and soybean rotation to at least a three-crop rotation, with covercrops incorporated whenever Read more...
estelling@mnsoilhealth.org I farm with my father and brother in and around Osakis, MN. We currently operate around 1500 acres consisting of corn, beans, alfalfa, and some small grains. Approximately 160 acres of our operation is certified organic. Three years ago we got out of dairy and now finish feeder cattle. We are in our second year of strip tilling and Read more...
tcotter@mnsoilhealth.org Tom is a fourth-generation farmer from southern Minnesota. In 1875 the land was first plowed and had continued in one way or another for the next 140 years. Tom grew up doing full tillage on all their acres. In the late 1990’s Tom’s Dad bought a tile pile and started trying Cover Crops. That is when Tom and his Read more...
tfick@mnsoilhealth.org My name is Tom Fick and I live on and operate the family farm I grew up on near Luverne. I raise corn, soybeans, oats & rye in a rotation on my farm. I also raise alfalfa and grass, which I bale into small square bales for the horse & hobby farmer market. I started incorporating cover crops into Read more...