tom.hartberg@gmail.com Tom uses regenerative farming by no-till/strip-trilling his corn/soybean rotation as well as utilizing cover crops, small grains, and livestock and all these practices continue to develop and evolve. In 1991 Tom started no-tilling as a matter of necessity when he couldn’t afford to upgrade his machinery. In ’93 he had to get a full-time job as well as farm. Read more...
biggdoggagg@gmail.com Mark has been a certifed Crop Advisor since 1995 and has 43 years in the agricultural industry from his time in Grain Elevation, Running his own company founded in 2001. He is currently farming 67 acres using no-till, cover-crops, and diversified crops, and is looking to introduce animals to graze his cover crops. Mark started to look into soil Read more...
uderman3@gmail.com Alex started with reduced tillage in 2016 and no-till soybeans. In 2021 he became MN Water Quality Certified and started no-tilling his Corn acres. Recently Alex started incorporating cover crops. He has seen great results in improving his soil health: 1.5 million worms per acre and improved soil structure, worm castings, and middens. Alex became a mentor because he Read more...
jlmeyer@kmtel.com John currently has all of my 400+ cropland acres seeded down to perennial forages and is using it either for daily moved adaptively managed rotational pasturing or hay for his 270 head custom grazed beef herd, and a100 head C/c beef herd of his own, which he directs to market as 100% Regeneratively Pasture-Raised Grass-Fed and Finished Beef as Read more...
Karl has been strip-tilling ahead of corn since the fall of 2018, and no tilling soybeans since Spring of 2019. He started using cover crops in 2019 as well. He has also been aerial applying cover crops recently, but has drilled in cover crops after harvest in soybean stubble as well with good results. Karl says, “Once I attended a Read more...
Bob currently grazes cattle and goats on two different farms and raises all feed (hay and corn silage) for brood cow herd and goats, while buying grain mix for youngstock from a local elevator. He calves his crossbred cows (65) year around and sells meat directly to consumers. He hopes to do that same with his goat herd in the Read more...
I currently manage about 400 acres of open pasture land for cattle, 300 acres of woods for meat goat production, and about 460 acres of row crop/hay production. We practice adaptive managed grazing with cow/calf pairs, owned stockers, and goats. Raise pastured pork mostly in our wooded areas while strategically moving them around to manage invasive specifies such as multi-flora Read more...
We are primarily a corn/soybean row crop operation utilizing cover crop on all acres. We have a cow/calf herd that grazes crop stubble between crop seasons. We do not use any pre-emergence herbicides and have reduced post-emergence herbicide and fertilizer rates. We started the latest chapter in our journey by converting to strip-till and adding cover crop in 2017. We Read more...
Peter started with cereal rye after sugar beets and transitioned 100% of operation to strop till in 2015 after learning about soil health, soil structure, and water infiltration. He saw very noticeable soil structure improvement within two years. Due to improvements in soil structure, carry heavy equipment much better and soybean yields have greatly improved with less tillage. Use of Read more...
I have a passion for farming and have been involved in it my whole life. I also have a background in farm business management. I love to learn and do all I can to invest into the business, while helping others around me achieve success. Most of our farm is corn and soybeans with a few acres of alfalfa and Read more...