biggdoggagg@gmail.com Mark has been a certifed Crop Advisor since 1995 and has 43 years in the agricultural industry from his time in Grain Elevation, Running his own company founded in 2001. He is currently farming 67 acres using no-till, cover-crops, diversified crops, and is looking to introduce animals to graze his cover crops. Mark started to look into soil health Read more...
bnere@mnsoilhealth.org Brad farms with his daughter and son-in-law on their farm, Horizon Farms, in Renville County. They strip till all of their corn and apply nitrogen in the spring, going on with the planter and is side dressed. Cover crops are planted at side dressing, if needed they Y drop at tassel as well. Soybeans are all no-tilled and cover Read more...
mtiffany@mnsoilhealth.org Matt grows corn, soybeans for seed, and sweetcorn for over 19 years and have always looked for ways to do things better. The short season soybeans and sweetcorn he grows provides a great opportunity for cover crops and Matt has enjoyed the success of that for many years. He’s in his 3rd year of strip tilling after soybeans and Read more...