
Crop Pest Management Plot Tour at SWROC August 10

The University of Minnesota Southwest Research & Outreach Center near Lamberton welcomes visitors on-site for a crop pest management plot tour on Tuesday, August 10th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. […]


Soil Health Field Day – Lewiston, MN

25765 Cty Rd 110, Winona, MN 25765 Cty Rd 110, Winona, MN, United States

  What's Covered? Roller Crimping Alternative Forages Drone Seeding Demo Seeding Equipment Location:  Burr Oak Farms & Unruh Cover Cropping 4:30 - 8:00 PM with supper Questions?  Contact Lance Klessig […]


Manure Composting Workshop – Morris

Join us for this free, in-person event and learn about manure composting through educational sessions, demonstrations, hands-on activities and discussions with an expert panel.  Best management topics include: Site selection Composting process […]


Soil Health Field Day at A-Frame Farms

A Frame Farms 2484 Highway 40, Madison, MN, United States

This farmer-to-farmer networking event includes sessions on soil health, cover crop mixes, organic management, and livestock integration.

Cover Crops Field Day

Plan to attend Cover Crops: Setting up for Success on August 17 at the Southwest Research and Outreach Center in Lamberton. Check-in starts at 8:30 AM and the program will run 9:00 […]

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