
Rosholt Research Farm Virtual Field Day

This upcoming virtual field day will give farmers and agronomists the opportunity to learn about the latest agronomic research in central Minnesota from the comfort of their own home. U […]

2nd Annual Soil Health Field Day

Maple Grove Farms 10815 555th St, Rush City, MN, United States

Join us at Maple Grove Farms to learn how Jon Stevens has used soil health practices to reduce stress and improve economics on his diverse Pine County farm. We will […]

Fridays on the Farm August 21st

Facebook Live

The Minnesota Soil Health Coalition is hosting the Fridays on the Farm series this summer starting this Friday, July 10th! We will visit with farmers around the state hearing about […]

Film on the Farm – Rice County SWCD/NRCS

Larry Conrad Farm 10214 Baseline Road, Dundas, Minnesota

The Rice Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are partnering together to host a “drive-in” movie night for area farmers to view several […]

Park the Plow: Tillage, Cover Crops, and Clean Water

Dave and Mark Legvold Farm 5103 315th Street W, Northfield, Minnesota

Discover how area farmers are improving soil health, farm profitability, and water quality by using Strip-till, No-till, and cover crops. View reduced tillage and interseeding equipment and talk to farmers […]

Fridays on the Farm September 4th

Facebook Live

Join us on our series of virtual field days this summer, every other Friday, to hear from farmers around the state with how they're using soil health practices! Events will […]

Soil Health Expo

The Rollofson family is holding a unique and educational Soil Health Expo on Wednesday, Sept. 9th from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm near Barrett, MN to discuss and demonstrate soil […]