
Celebrate Grazing

Land Stewardship Project & Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed! Join us for our virtual kickoff event on FRIDAY, JUNE 25TH 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM All livestock farmers are highly encouraged […]


Minnesota Soil Health Series

For three crop years, Minnesota Office for Soil Health and SFA have been collecting, analyzing and sharing on-farm soil health data across Minnesota to help us better interpret and use […]


Soil Health Field Day – Stephen

For three crop years, Minnesota Office for Soil Health and SFA have been collecting, analyzing and sharing on-farm soil health data across Minnesota to help us better interpret and use […]


Energy Efficiency and Agriculture

Date and Time: Wednesday June 30, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Address: 26505 County Road 2 Staples, MN 56479 Hosts: Central Lakes College Ag and Energy Center Register by June 23rd […]


Grassroots Carbon

Grassroots Carbon Presents: "Soil Carbon Sequestration: How Nature Captures and Stores Carbon" A free webinar featuring Blue Nest Beef's CEO Russ Conser. June 30, 12-12:30 PM CST Register for the webinar to learn more […]


2021 Barley U

Join us and learn about what is happening in barley research at the U About this event Come join us and learn about what is happening in barley research at […]


Hybrid rye production and use in swine rations

Hybrid rye yields much higher than and has lower incidence of fusarium head blight than open-pollinated (OP) cereal rye varieties. For both organic and conventional farmers with livestock, hybrid rye […]

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