
Preparing Your Poultry Coop for Winter

The number of Minnesotans raising backyard and small flock poultry has grown immensely during the pandemic. And the care of livestock and poultry in winter can be challenging. Join us for […]

2020 SW MN Field Day

Nancy and Jerry Ackermann's 39750 820th St, Lakefield, MN, United States

Nancy and Jerry Ackermann are partnering with the Heron Lake Watershed District and Minnesota Department of Agriculture to host a field day! Data and testing have been collected over a […]

Fridays on the Farm September 18th

Facebook Live

Join us on our series of virtual field days this summer, every other Friday, to hear from farmers around the state with how they're using soil health practices! Events will […]

UMN Extension-Pine County Hay/Pasture Management Field Day

11131 Lakeview Heights Road, Pine City, MN

You are invited to a pasture management field day on Sept 22nd at 6pm hosted by University of Minnesota Extension-Pine County at 11131 Lakeview Heights Road, Pine City (follow the […]

Soil Sessions: Yield Data Collection


Join SHP Field Manager Keith Byerly as he shares his top tips for ensuring you're collecting accurate yield data. Since we don't get to hit the reset button on harvest, Keith's advice […]