
Soil & Sandwiches

Wheaton American Legion 303 5th St N, Wheaton, MN, United States

Join the Traverse SWCD at their workshop about soil health and cover crops with a local farmer panel and specialists! RSVP for a free meal at 320-563-8218 x3

Farm Transition Workshop

First Presbyterian Church 503 W 6th St, Redwing, MN, United States

“One of the most important decisions that a landowner will ever make is ‘who will I turn over care of this land to?’ One needs to be comfortable with the […]

CANCELLED Regenerative Yards and Gardens

Bremer Bank Linden Hills

Growing soil and food at home to protect people, water, pollinators, and climate.  Hear from Russ Henry, founder of Bee Safe Minneapolis.  6 copies of Russ's Soil Health Handbook will […]

POSTPONED Growing Healthy Soils

Ridges at Sand Creek Ridges Dr, Jordan, MN, United States

Learn how to take advantage of reduce till, no-till, cover crops and more in Minnesota to improve your operation & bottom line, with David Brandt and more! About this Event […]

POSTPONED Our Farms…Our Future…

Alex Tech College 1601 Jeffersen St, Alexandria, MN, United States

Managing and maintaining the farm through best management practices. Are you a farmer?  New to conservation practices?  Not sure where to get started?  Join the ATCC Farm Business Management Program, […]

POSTPONED Northwest (IA) Prairies Soil Health Workshop

Northwest Iowa Community College 603 West Street Building A, Sheldon, IA, United States

Check out a great line up of topics and speakers including 9:30 AM Registration, Coffee and Rolls 10:00 AM Doug Peterson - Iowa/Missouri Regional Soil Health Team Specialist 11:00 AM […]

Silvopasture: A Global and Historical Perspective

This SFA webinar captures the history and use of silvopasture as a practice throughout the Midwest. You'll find a refresher on silvopasture as a practice and its concepts, highlights of […]

Soil Building Secrets

Ray Archuleta will explain how soil functions: how plants, animals, and organisms work together as a collective to transform and extract nutrients from the soil.   David Kleinschmidt will explain how […]