
Silvopasture and Oak Savanna Restoration Workshop

It is estimated that there are over 600,000 acres of unmanaged woodland grazing in Minnesota. These woodlands need to be managed to protect soil, water, vegetation and tree resources. Silvopasture—the deliberate integration of […]


Building Resiliency on the Farm

Matthew Frana, watershed project coordinator for the Winneshiek County Soil and Water Conservation District, and Joel Zook, energy planner for the Winneshiek County Energy District, will discuss how farmers, landowners, […]


Celebrate Grazing

Land Stewardship Project & Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed! Join us for our virtual kickoff event on FRIDAY, JUNE 25TH 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM All livestock farmers are highly encouraged […]


Minnesota Soil Health Series

For three crop years, Minnesota Office for Soil Health and SFA have been collecting, analyzing and sharing on-farm soil health data across Minnesota to help us better interpret and use […]


Soil Health Field Day – Stephen

For three crop years, Minnesota Office for Soil Health and SFA have been collecting, analyzing and sharing on-farm soil health data across Minnesota to help us better interpret and use […]


Energy Efficiency and Agriculture

Date and Time: Wednesday June 30, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Address: 26505 County Road 2 Staples, MN 56479 Hosts: Central Lakes College Ag and Energy Center Register by June 23rd […]


Grassroots Carbon

Grassroots Carbon Presents: "Soil Carbon Sequestration: How Nature Captures and Stores Carbon" A free webinar featuring Blue Nest Beef's CEO Russ Conser. June 30, 12-12:30 PM CST Register for the webinar to learn more […]

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