
POSTPONED Our Farms…Our Future…

Alex Tech College 1601 Jeffersen St, Alexandria, MN, United States

Managing and maintaining the farm through best management practices. Are you a farmer?  New to conservation practices?  Not sure where to get started?  Join the ATCC Farm Business Management Program, […]

POSTPONED Northwest (IA) Prairies Soil Health Workshop

Northwest Iowa Community College 603 West Street Building A, Sheldon, IA, United States

Check out a great line up of topics and speakers including 9:30 AM Registration, Coffee and Rolls 10:00 AM Doug Peterson - Iowa/Missouri Regional Soil Health Team Specialist 11:00 AM […]

Silvopasture: A Global and Historical Perspective

This SFA webinar captures the history and use of silvopasture as a practice throughout the Midwest. You'll find a refresher on silvopasture as a practice and its concepts, highlights of […]

Soil Building Secrets

Ray Archuleta will explain how soil functions: how plants, animals, and organisms work together as a collective to transform and extract nutrients from the soil.   David Kleinschmidt will explain how […]

Silvopasture In Minnesota

This SFA webinar is focused on producer experiences using silvopasture in their operations. From beef to goats and from Northern to Southern Minnesota you will tour a diversity of operations, […]

Winter Grazing & Alfalfa Production

NDSU Cover Crop Webinar Series

Aerial Application Soil Health Partnership

Join the Soil Health Partnership's webinar on aerial application of cover crops at

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