
Reclaiming Our Voices: For Farmers, by Farmers, with Farmers


16th Annual Emerging Farmers Conference The annual Emerging Farmers Conference serves to advance the success and sustainability of farmers who traditionally face barriers to the education and resources necessary to build profitable agricultural businesses. This innovative conference focuses primarily on the needs and interests of farmers of color and immigrant farmers, and supports their contributions […]

Women Renting It Out Right — Intro to Conservation on Rented Land


Virtual event RSVP to Robin Moore, LSP, Women face unique challenges when navigating the agricultural world, either as farmers or as landowners. One of three Land Stewardship Project introductory programs on conservation leases and practices on rented farmland, this workshop creates a woman only space to share experiences and ask questions in a supportive […]

Virtual Shop Visit – Planter Modifications for Different Conditions


Join AJ Adkins, owner of NTM Ag Equipment and Dawn Equipment Specialist, as he shows us a variety of planter modifications. AJ will talk about the process of setting up a planter for a client based on their farming system and field conditions. You can learn more about AJ's work at or on his […]

Winter Soil Health Virtual Series


Wanting to hear from farmers and specialists about specific soil health topics?  We have you covered!  Tune in every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm from the comfort of your home, shop, or vacation spot to learn about the following topics:   January 27 Timing and Options: Getting starting, 101, making plans A, B, and C […]

SFA Annual Conference


Join us for SFA’s 31st Annual Conference, a virtual event with interactive online programming featuring the shared wisdom of our sustainable farming community. and, where possible, local in-person gatherings – “meet ups” – that conform to COVID-19 guidelines, Registration is now open! Free to SFA members, $40 to non members. Registration required here. We’re planning interactive […]

Agronomic and Economic Considerations for the Business Case of Adopting Soil Health Management Systems


Participants will learn agricultural production factors along combination with economic considerations for evaluating profitability of adopting Soil Health Management Systems. Information in this webinar is based on the potential soil health benefits of various alternatives to conventional tillage and associated production practices. Demonstrations presented will teach participants methods of comparing financial outcomes of adopting Soil […]

Winter Soil Health Virtual Series


Wanting to hear from farmers and specialists about specific soil health topics?  We have you covered!  Tune in every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm from the comfort of your home, shop, or vacation spot to learn about the following topics:   January 27 Timing and Options: Getting starting, 101, making plans A, B, and C […]

Farming for the Future: A Forum Exploring Ecosystem Markets


Join the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership and organizations from Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin for a free, national webinar exploring different environmental and carbon market opportunities for Midwest farmers. This event brings four prominent carbon markets to one table, Indigo Ag, Nori, Ecosystem Services Market Consortium, and the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, providing farmers […]

So… You Want Me to Change How I Farm?


This webinar features Rodney Rulon, Rulon Enterprises, who will discuss the financial and operational questions a farmer answers before deciding to adopt a conservation practice. It is important for anyone - conservation professional, landowner, land manager, etc. - to understand these decisions when they are asking farmers to adopt any conservation practice. Rulon Enterprises is […]

Principles to Practices – Soil Health with Jay Fuhrer and Jon Stika


Zoom Virtual Event Come join us for a workshop with presentations from widely recognized soil health experts! Learn why soil health matters and how you can assess soil health on your farm. Along with how to incorporate soil health into practices. Hear information and data from planting cash crops into green cover crops (planting green) […]