
Manure Composting Workshop – Morris

Join us for this free, in-person event and learn about manure composting through educational sessions, demonstrations, hands-on activities and discussions with an expert panel.  Best management topics include: Site selection Composting process […]


Soil Health Field Day at A-Frame Farms

A Frame Farms 2484 Highway 40, Madison, MN, United States

This farmer-to-farmer networking event includes sessions on soil health, cover crop mixes, organic management, and livestock integration.

Cover Crops Field Day

Plan to attend Cover Crops: Setting up for Success on August 17 at the Southwest Research and Outreach Center in Lamberton. Check-in starts at 8:30 AM and the program will run 9:00 […]


Soil Health Field Day with Ray Archuleta at Red Rooster Ranch

On Wednesday, August 18, nationally renowned soil health presenter Ray Archuleta will be joining Mervin Beachy at Red Rooster Ranch in St. Ansgar, Iowa, for a special field day. Join us for a full-day (8:30 a.m. - 3:30 […]


Pricing corn silage

Learn about how to negotiate a fair price when buying or selling corn silage. Ryan Sterry, from the University of Wisconsin Extension, will discuss general guidelines on how to price […]
