Farms and Woodlands Course
BRAND NEW OFFERING! UMN Extension developed the Farms and Woodlands Course especially for landowners who want to get the most out of every acre of their land. This comprehensive program gives landowners insight […]
BRAND NEW OFFERING! UMN Extension developed the Farms and Woodlands Course especially for landowners who want to get the most out of every acre of their land. This comprehensive program gives landowners insight […]
Join NPSAS for our annual Food & Farming Conference! See the schedule here: Pre-conference workshops and Taste of Ag Evening on Thursday. Keynotes and workshops Friday and Saturday. Sunday […]
2020 Grazing Conference will bring together experts in the field to share all there is to know about Grass. Our theme this year is Regenerating Our Grass-roots.
The fifth annual conference for those interested in organic grain production in the Upper Midwest will feature 25+ expert farmers, researchers and industry representatives sharing their knowledge, along with ample […]
The annual Emerging Farmers Conference (formerly the Immigrant & Minority Farmers Conference) serves to advance the success and sustainability of farmers who traditionally face barriers to the education and resources […]
Farmers, landowners, and anglers can learn how to buck the damage caused by extreme weather to soil and water during a program on Saturday, Jan. 25, being hosted by the […]
The Winter Forage Tour is here! At these meetings we will go in depth into many different forages and their use, planting date, and more. This will include mainly pasture […]
A Land Stewardship Project workshop called, “Cover Crops, No-Till & Grazing: Evaluating the Economics and First Steps to Improving Soil,” will be held Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 10 a.m. to […]
How can you match cover crops to meet your cropping system goals? Have you wondered if cover crops can support your nutrient needs? Learn about U of MN cover crop […]
Join us for a discussion about the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP). A pizza lunch will be provided following the presentation. Join the growing number of Rice County […]