
Soil Sessions: Yield Data Collection


Join SHP Field Manager Keith Byerly as he shares his top tips for ensuring you're collecting accurate yield data. Since we don't get to hit the reset button on harvest, Keith's advice will help make sure you have the information needed to make the best decisions in the future. Date September 29, 2020 10:00 am - 11:00 […]

Agralytica Virtual Listening Session: Feasibility of Insuring Local Food Production 

Please tune in to this Virtual Listening Session with Agralytica, which is working under contract for USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA). Why? As part of the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress required RMA to solicit feedback about improved crop insurance coverage options for farmers and ranchers selling to local food markets (including but not limited to […]

U of M Extension Goat/Sheep Webinar: Connecting Producer to Consumer

The University of Minnesota Extension is excited to host a webinar on Wednesday September 30th starting at 6:30pm CDT focusing on the different factors and steps to connect goat and sheep producers with consumers. Discussion will center around the different types of processing and direct marketing, animal ID & record keeping, factors affecting the marketing […]

SFA Silvopasture Planning Management Workshop

Sunup Ranch 12316 Co 18 SW, Brainerd, MN

The Sustainable Farming Association is hosting a workshop on silvopasture planning management on October 1 in Brainerd.  This training is for both agricultural professionals who work with farmers and farmers that are considering or implementing silvopasture practices.   Suitable for marginal land and unmanaged wooded pasture, silvopasture combines livestock, forage, and trees into one holistic system. […]

Virtual Soil Health Field Day

From perennial crops to cropland grazing, we want to help farmers maximize their soil health! Join the Washington Conservation District for a virtual field day with local farmer, Pam Arnold; learning how they apply their cover crop mix for greatest success! Pam Arnold farms 40-acres of land in Scandia along the St. Croix River and […]

NCAT Webinar Series: Federal Assistance for Natural Resource Conservation on Working Lands

Webinar Series Explains Access to Federal Assistance for Natural Resource Conservation on Working Lands Webinar Part 1: The Overview - Thursday, September 17 Webinar Part 2: The Process - Thursday, September 24 Webinar Part 3: Deep Dive - Thursday, October 8 This is a webinar series supported by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the […]

Fence Options for Grazing Cover Crops and Corn Residue: Paynesville


SFA's ongoing Dirt Rich work continues this summer with four in-person events that, like our corresponding podcast, feature expert knowledge and farm information focused on the Five Principles of Soil Health and especially, in the case of these events, livestock integration. Each event will be led by SFA Senior Technical Advisor Kent Solberg and the […]

Profitability Strategies: Earning More with Regenerative Ag [Webinar]


Want to improve your farm's resilience and profitability? Are you working to sustain and build your operation for the next generation? Are you interested in incorporating regenerative ag practices but want insights & support from experts to ensure success? Adding cover crops, reducing tillage, and other practices can help benefit your soil and your bottom […]

U of M Extension Small Farm Education 8-Week Workshop Series

Small Farm Education Workshop Series Join University of Minnesota Extension Ag Educator Rod Greder for an eight-week workshop series, "Small Farm Education", a complete introduction to managing your small acreage or farm. This series will be held Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. beginning October 21. The basic agriculture information received through this series will help you be a […]

Building Land Resilience Workshop presented by Ecological Design and Main Street Project


    Join us for a Live Zoom Workshop Sunday, Oct 25th and Monday, Oct 26th, 5:00-8:00pm - Building Land Resilience Workshop - This workshop will explore strategies for building regenerative farming systems and working landscapes. You will leave this workshop with an understanding of regenerative principles, observational exercises and tools to implement regeneration at […]