Winona SWCD Cover Crop Spring Self Guided Tour
Winona CountySelf Guided – April through July. 7 farms with 9 sites to visit. Visit the sites before planting season starts, during a rain day, and once the crop is taking […]
Self Guided – April through July. 7 farms with 9 sites to visit. Visit the sites before planting season starts, during a rain day, and once the crop is taking […]
FEATURING KWS HYBRID RYE AT HENNEN SEEDS, LLC. JUNE 15, 2021 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM 1:00 PM–1:30 PM: Incorporating Hybrid Rye into Your Systems, Millborn Seeds 1:30 PM–2:00 […]
Share tile drainage/stream results. Explain cover crop expansion effort(Bridgewater Cover Crop Adoption Project) Location: L&M Bar & Grill, Rice County