Soil Health Expo

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Soil Health Expo

September 9, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

The Rollofson family is holding a unique and educational Soil Health Expo on Wednesday, Sept. 9th from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm near Barrett, MN to discuss and demonstrate soil health management tactics being implemented in west-central Minnesota.

Learn how to economically integrate no-till, strip-till, and cover crops into your system from experienced farmers. Topics include:
Soil fertility
Nutrient management
How to integrate cover crops into reduced till operations
True cost of field erosion
A farmer panel will discuss the challenges that local producers face when striving to improve soil health. Lastly, watch some equipment get dirty in the side–by–side equipment demonstrations presented by regional and national manufacturers of cover crop interseeders, strip-till implements, and no-till planters.

There is no cost to attend the event. However, pre-registration is requested to help with meals, grounds planning, and updates concerning changes in the agenda.

The planning committee is closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and the impact it may have on this event. Registrants will continue to receive updates about the event throughout the summer and we will communicate any changes to format as soon as possible.

Register now for the Soil Health Expo

The Expo is a collaboration between the Rollofson family, Grant Soil and Water Conservation District, the University of Minnesota – Extension, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and the Pomme de Terre River Association.

The Soil Health Expo is located two miles west of Barrett, Minnesota on County Road #2. The latitude/longitude is 45.901546, -95.826897.


September 9, 2020
9:00 am - 2:30 pm


Grant SWCD
University of Minnesota Extension
Rollofson family
MN Natural Resources Conservation Service
Pomme de Terre River Association